We are a group of artists, environmentalists, educators, seed lovers and more, that for three years have been making art, murals with seeds in community around New Mexico, Mexico and other locations around the globe. We also create multimedia exhibits, to raise awareness and educate about the importance of eating organic, taking care of the environment, bees & pure ancient seeds for future generations to come.
Seed mural making comes from central Mexico, mainly Mexico City and the state of Morelos. Entire communities and towns get together to create murals with seeds for streets and church façades decoration during Carnaval and other festivities. These murals are often very intricate pieces of art and they stay up for the entire year until it is time to create a new one for the new cycle.
During our visits to classrooms, students and teachers work on the seed murals while volunteer experts from different fields lead discussions to raise awareness on several important related topics, including seed and bee preservation, organics, community nutrition, sustainability and their connection to a healthy environment.
The Community Seed Mural Project was created by Mexican painter Jade Leyva and has been invited to several schools in New Mexico, as well as public events and institutions, where a variety of diverse communities join together to work on creating murals out of seeds. The goal is while creating awareness on environmental subjects and we will complete 10 murals - we are currently working on the 7th one - all of which will be displayed together as an art installation in partnership with the Education Department at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
Welcome Artists!
Happy to announce that Artists Tanya Musselwhite, Kerry Bergen & Elzbieta Kaleta from Albuquerque are participating in the Community Seed Mural Project with their beautiful art!

Tanya Musselwhite Kerry Bergen Elzbieta Kaleta
Seed Love Mural On Display
You can now view our Seed Love Mural at the South Valley Economic Development Center!
318 Isleta Blvd, Albuquerque, NM 87105 Phone: 505.877.0373

"Tehei Moari Ora""
(Piece cretated at the International Interpretation Conference in Wellington, New Zealand.)
Community Seed Art being created in New Zealand under the direction of Endion Schnichtel who participated last year creating one of the sections of our mural "Bee The Change".
It is Aotearoa (Moari for "the land of the long white cloud") themed with clouds, the southern cross and a Moari saying "Tehei Moari Ora" which means the breathe of life.
One Seed